We’ve got a bun in the oven. And CasaRock is celebrating.

I couldn’t let National Biscuit Month slip away without paying honor to one of the most fun carbohydrates to ever be baked into fluffy existence. And since there’s a new snugglet coming to visit in April (yay grandbabies!), making something sweet just seems right. Then again, is there ever a time when making something sweet ISN’T good? Truly, kitchen therapy needs no real reason to happen. But a bun in the oven is a perfect reason for a bun in the oven.

Maybe I’ve mentioned before how much I love cinnamon things. Cinnamon toast, Red Hots, Atomic Fire Balls, hot apple cider, lovely candles in the house – all are happy things to me. And I really love a good cinnamon roll (no raisins or nuts needed, thank you). Growing up, the only cinnamon rolls in my house were homemade, fresh-from-the-oven biscuits. For some reason, my mom was convinced she would murder yeast if she attempted to use it, so it wasn’t allowed in the kitchen. It really didn’t matter. Biscuits spell L-O-V-E. Cinnamon roll biscuits spell L-O-V-E times infinity.

My friend Susie tempted me with a recipe for savory 7-Up Biscuits a while back, so I decided to transform those crazy-good things into even more amazing crazy-good cinnamon rolls (exchanging sweet for savory). This recipe takes just a bit of time and patience, but wow – the cinnamon rolls are melt-in-your-mouth-holy-wow-crazy-good. I can’t wait to make them again. And again. For family and friends. And my awesome grandson Sawyer. And the bun in the oven. I know you’ll like them too!

Cinnamon Roll Biscuits with Vanilla Cream Frosting

Makes one 13” X 9” pan of cinnamon rolls – 16 to 20 total


For cinnamon rolls:


4 cups Bisquick

1 cup sour cream

1 cup 7-Up

½ cup all-purpose flour


1 stick butter, softened

½ cup sugar

Cinnamon to your liking


1 stick butter, melted (1/2 cup)


For glaze:


1 cup powdered sugar

1/3 cup heavy cream (don’t cheat and use milk – seriously)

2 t. vanilla (use Mexican vanilla if you have it)


In large mixing bowl, cut sour cream into Bisquick until well-distributed. Add 7-Up and mix until all dry ingredients are moistened. The mixture will be sticky. Turn out dough onto WELL-floured surface and knead lightly, adding more flour until dough is easier to roll out. Lightly roll dough into rectangle.  Spread softened butter on dough and sprinkle liberally with sugar and cinnamon. Roll carefully from the long side of the rectangle, then cut into 1” to 1-1/2” slices to create your lovely cinnamon rolls.


Let melted butter coat the bottom of a 13” X 9” baking dish. Place your cinnamon rolls in the dish. It’s perfectly OK for them to touch each other. Trust me, when they bake, they’ll become best of friends.


Bake at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes, or until golden brown. While cinnamon rolls are baking, mix your powdered sugar, heavy cream and vanilla together until it becomes a smooth, creamy glaze that tastes just like vanilla ice cream (if you’d like a thicker frosting, add a little more powdered sugar). Let cinnamon rolls cool slightly once they’re done, and top with vanilla cream frosting. Forego the need to show restraint. Enjoy the delicate cinnamon-sugar sweetness and the glory that is a GREAT biscuit. Eat many. Then eat some more and smile. You made a great bun in the oven.

This entry was posted in #kitchentherapy, family, food by Ronne Rock. Bookmark the permalink.

About Ronne Rock

Helping you hold on to what is true and trustworthy.

We’re in this together, and I am for you. I secure road signs with a hammer of hope, and clear the debris so they can be seen.

Call me your spiritual aunty, the one who you can trust with the hard conversations. I am your encourager. I walk and keep walking. Cheer and keep cheering. I invest, dive deep, and cherish the stories being written in the lives of women like you who long to believe restoration is a reality on earth as it is in heaven. God holds the pen in those stories, and He delights in you. 


You’ll love One Woman Can Change the World: Reclaiming Your God-Designed Influence and Impact Right Where You Are. It’s available wherever books are sold.

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