written by Ronne Rock

Light (An Advent Story of Hope)

 Hello there. Whether you have come here with intention or by happenstance, welcome. There is always a place for you here. I believe with my whole heart that we...

The Slow Miracles of Love and Time.

There are miracles we don’t likely notice. Things like the power of touch, the tenderness of time, the healing found in connection, the beauty of kindness. I remember as...

The Power and Purpose of Time

His name is St. Paul, a beautiful cathedral born in 1845 to the Church of England. The community celebrated its arrival with joy, and within a few short years,...

Love your enemies. (the year of gathering)

I honestly thought there might be an asterisk somewhere in the pages—a subtle footnote or editor’s revision tucked in the margins. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love...

The Ragamuffins (the year of gathering)

For Ragamuffins, God’s name is Mercy. We see our darkness as a prized possession because it drives us into the heart of God. Without mercy our darkness would plunge...

Being a Safe Place (the year of gathering)

I’m writing two stories right now. The first publishes in October for Redbud Writers Guild. It’s about the freedom found in limitation. The second is for Joyful Life Magazine,...
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