
Day 44: Behind the cinder block walls.

Sometimes the most beautiful things are those we take most for granted.

Sprigs of grass growing through cracked cement. A misplaced puddle after a rain. The door being opened by a stranger at a store.

I remember when the orphanage was raw cinder block and there was no place for the children to play. I remember when things like “garden” and “school” were hoped-for dreams.

There were beautiful things even then – the tenacity of two sisters who made a home for orphans out of scraps, the welcoming smiles, the precious prayers.


Today I listened to pigs and gazed at an orchard. Up the hill, children dressed in school uniforms struggled to keep their focus on homework because they knew their friends from the US were ready for a little soccer. I wondered how just how many prayers had been answered – and how many more were being prayed.

Those sisters saw every single beautiful thing long before anyone else did – and long before anyone else cared. They still see beauty in scraps.

And I prayed my eyes would be open to see the beautiful things. Oh, Lord. Please let me always see.

Little House of Refuge is on the outskirts of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. I first visited the orphanage in 2009 – and have returned every year. Since Orphan Outreach joined with them in 2010, I’ve seen prayer after prayer answered through individuals and churches who may never have the opportunity to meet the children and amazing caregivers. I hope even small glimpses like this one make them smile. 


Shoot like a Girl began as part of the #31days project. You can learn more about the “why” of my story and see all my daily posts here. I’d love to stay in touch with you – be sure to subscribe to my blog and visit my writer’s page to get updates on stories and special projects, including a collaborative that will publish this spring and a book about women who are fighting for change and beauty. Thank you for your encouragement!