from Kitchen Therapy

Good Fall Food for Strangers become Friends.

September is almost gone. The month that celebrates autumn and wedding anniversaries and birthdays has moved like a tender breeze through my fingertips – far, far too quickly. I...

Long-Distance Love : Very Cherry Pie

Have you ever met someone who made you feel at home – even though you were miles and miles apart? That’s my new friend Becky. We are kindred spirits...

Firecracker Salmon & Fresh Fig Salad

I’ve been inspired lately. I don’t know  – maybe it’s my newfound love of things made with grapefruit (the seriously underappreciated citrus fruit), or maybe it’s because we’ve been...

Salsas to Welcome Summer.

OK, here’s a confession that might get me evicted. I hate summers in Texas. It’s not that I have anything against the season, really. I mean, I love sunny...

Penelope’s Oreo Cupcakes

Penelope is a sweet friend of mine. She’s only 4, but she’s quite the lady. She loves dresses and shiny shoes, finds getting muddy to be a bit unbecoming,...

Almond Nilla Cake

It’s so easy to judge things by their appearance. Take me, for example. Folks think that, because I’m outgoing, I must be an extrovert – someone who thrives being...

Accidental Days and Soda Pop Pork

My friend Susie and I accidentally spent an entire day together this weekend. What started as a morning meeting to discuss writing became one long meandering conversation about life...

The Power of Pie and Cobbler

There are some things that deserve to be repeated, over and over again, like a most favorite song. For me, one of those things has become Buttermilk Pie. Now,...
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