from Life

A Most Pervasive Jesus and the Thin Places

Scottish lore is that there is only three feet separating heaven and earth – but there are places we find where the distance is even closer. “Thin places,” they...

Bloom. Rest. Burn.

"I was taught as a child that life was a rather straight-lined, nose-to-the-grindstone series of battles followed by blessing. But childhood fables of “strive hard and strive long to...

Hope. Love. Joy. Peace. And Christmas.

As I write this little letter, Brad is stoking the fire in the living room. He’s got a pot of chili cooking, which heralds cold weather and something that...

The Beauty of Expectancy.

In the days in-between the glorious moments of beautiful birth and humble offering, the days before what had been promised and prophesied was revealed to all – the world...

We are Good and Bloodthirsty

I fell into the pages of Charlotte's Web at 9 years old, and read the entire book in one sitting. And then I read it again, dreaming myself far...

15 wonders what we now believe.

Fifteen years is a lifetime for my friend’s daughters now in middle and high school. It’s almost half of my son’s life story. It’s a portion of my marriage....
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