tagged: mission discovery

Shoot like a Girl | Labor (#31days)

Day 18: Eden, Jamaica All around us is the busy quiet of learning at the Jamaican Christian School for the Deaf.  Every classroom is full of students – kids...

A God-Sized Dream.

I’m on a plane now, returning from a week in Jamaica. Those who don’t know me well have sent well-wishes for a wonderful vacation, but my feet never touched...

Navalee Speaks.

I first saw her smile a year ago.  She darted out of her dorm at the Jamaican School for the Deaf, ready for an afternoon of play  – but...

Give Us Vision, Lest We Perish.

In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life.” James 1:21MSG The single beautiful blossom greeted me at the Jamaica School...