tagged: peace

An Unexpected Peace (An Unexpected Advent)

Eternal One, You are preparing peace for us; in fact, everything we have accomplished has come from You. Isaiah 26:12 VOICE Meet Rahab in scripture. You’ll find her here...

Peace (Advent)

And when it's all a blur, you are the hard line In the disorder, you are the peace sign. Advent: PEACE is the story of a turquoise doorway on a remote...

Hope. Love. Joy. Peace. And Christmas.

As I write this little letter, Brad is stoking the fire in the living room. He’s got a pot of chili cooking, which heralds cold weather and something that...

The Beauty of Expectancy.

In the days in-between the glorious moments of beautiful birth and humble offering, the days before what had been promised and prophesied was revealed to all – the world...

Shoot like a Girl | Psalm 23

Day 50: Beech Grove, Tennessee “Please say prayers for peace and strength.” The text pinged in my ear, disrupting the cadence of my feet on the country road blacktop...

praying for peace.

A friend once shared her dilemma with me. She had a beautiful backyard – a sanctuary really. Flowers bloomed everywhere, and the canopy of the trees offered welcome shelter...

inspired :: Safe House.

Praise the Lord and sing loudly to Him – big songs of praise to Him. It’s only right – it’s so very good. He builds a beautiful house and...