about Quotes

We are All Shattered Pieces.

The more I walk this road, the more I see our fragility. Yes, we are all shattered pieces, we are all shards. We have within us a million small...

Light (Christmas)

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. (Helen Keller) What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live...

Joy (Advent)

A tiny bird named Benjamin Tit is sharing the secret of joy today - a tiny bird made from a tree that smells like roses when it's being cut...

Peace (Advent)

And when it's all a blur, you are the hard line In the disorder, you are the peace sign. Advent: PEACE is the story of a turquoise doorway on a remote...

Love (Advent)

It was sweet Miss Mary from Jamaica who taught me that sign language is indeed that – a language all its own. It is not merely an accommodation or...

Hope (Advent)

The heart rests on two picture books, the glow of a candle calling out its design. It was a treasure found in Kenya on one of my latest journeys....

Let it Go. Let it Out. Let It All Unravel.

“We love words, right GiGi?” I smile, and say, “Yes, Sawyer. We are words people.” I pray he always loves words. I pray he understands their power to work...

A Most Pervasive Jesus and the Thin Places

Scottish lore is that there is only three feet separating heaven and earth – but there are places we find where the distance is even closer. “Thin places,” they...

We are Good and Bloodthirsty

I fell into the pages of Charlotte's Web at 9 years old, and read the entire book in one sitting. And then I read it again, dreaming myself far...

15 wonders what we now believe.

Fifteen years is a lifetime for my friend’s daughters now in middle and high school. It’s almost half of my son’s life story. It’s a portion of my marriage....

This is Every-Day Jesus.

This is for you, love. Because I want you to know Jesus. The Christ. The God-Man who defies logic and yet makes sense of it all. I'm not sharing...
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