“One of the tragedies of our life is that we keep forgetting who we are.” ~Henri Nouwen

Sweet Jesus, I crave Your word. I hunger to hear from You each day. Please speak Father. Please guide and direct. Please let me not get caught up in the circumstances of life, in distractions and attractions. Please Lord. I need You and You alone.

Jesus, you selected people who were not waiting at a church for some divine revelation – You picked people who were working hard. You didn’t speak to them in a language they didn’t understand – You used everyday speak. And You didn’t sit and wait for them to find You. You went to where they lived and worked. You confronted them in their everyday, going about their business lives.

In that same way, You spoke – and speak – now in my everyday, going about my business life. You say You will equip and prepare me. You say I can share the good news without a special degree or pedigree. All I need is to follow You, to spend time with You, to hold close to You. Because the Kingdom is still at hand, and the time is still now. Thank You!


Lord, let me not forget You are truly in charge, and it is You who will pour through my everyday life. I don’t need to sit in a church or on a mountain to serve You fully. I don’t need to pack it all up and leave my hometown or my home country to share the news. I just need to follow, listen, obey, and share.

Forgive me for not remembering that. Forgive me for not keeping Your faith and confidence at the forefront, because Your word says You began a good work, and You will indeed be faithful to complete it. Your word says all things will work together, like a great recipe, for good and Your glory in my life. Your word says I am a royal priest. You have given me a robe and a crown. You have adopted me into Your holy family.

I am yours.

What do you need to remember today about who you are? About Whose you are? How may I pray for you? 

Last year, I shared the stories about pictures I’ve taken. This year during the month of October, I’m opening up my journal and sharing prayers. They’re not eloquent or poetic – they’re simple honest talks with God. Some prayers are joyful and some are screams. Some are said in the morning and some at night. It’s my hope the words might help someone else find the words.

So Hey, It's Me 2