shoot like a girl

Because there are stories in every single day, I keep my eyes open.

Because moments can’t be recreated, I pray to drink them all in.

Because our stories are the stories that might bring life to new stories, I narrate transformation and hope.

This month, I’ll share 31 images that have brought hope to me. Images like this one, taken in a mud hut in Kenya. Our priority was to learn about life for a single mom and her kids in the African bush. Her priority was to give us refreshment on a hot summer day with sodas and some crisp biscuits. Her offering was sweet communion to us. Sweet humbling common union.

This month, you’ll see my heart as I show you the hearts of others who have entered my world. I’ll shoot like a girl for you. I’d love to know how these images impact your story.

Shoot like a Girl | Crayon Day 2: Kenya

Shoot like a Girl | Miracle Day 3: Guatemala

Shoot like a Girl | Background Day 4: Guatemala

Shoot like a Girl | Sabbath Day 5: anywhere you are.

Shoot like a Girl | Welcoming Day 6: Kenya

Shoot like a Girl | Bish Day 7: Texas

Shoot like a Girl | Enter Day 8: Romania

Shoot like a Girl | Holding Day 9: US border

Shoot like a Girl | Restore Day 10: Texas

Shoot like a Girl | Preciosa Day 11: Guatemala

Shoot like a Girl | Still Day 12: Anywhere you are

Shoot like a Girl | LoveNotes Day 13: Texas

Shoot like a Girl | Flight Day 14: Jamaica

Shoot like a Girl | Grace Day 15: Uganda

Shoot like a Girl | Hope Day 16: Kenya

Shoot like a Girl | Incidental Day 17: Romania

Shoot like a Girl | Labor Day 18: Jamaica

Shoot like a Girl | Drink Day 19: Anywhere you are

Shoot like a Girl | Say Yes Day 20: Romania

Shoot like a Girl | Life Day 21: Argentina

Shoot like a Girl | Reminder Day 22: Oklahoma

Shoot like a Girl | Expectant Day 23: Texas

Shoot like a Girl | Prayer Day 24: Russia

Shoot like a Girl | Fly Day 25: Kenya

Shoot like a Girl | Simplicity Day 26: Anywhere you are

Shoot like a Girl | Here Day 27: Romania

Shoot like a Girl | Naked Day 28: Texas

Shoot like a Girl | Found Day 29: Guatemala

Shoot like a Girl | Beautiful Day 30: Tennessee

Shoot like a Girl | Diamond Day 31: Parking lot


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About Ronne Rock

Helping you hold on to what is true and trustworthy.

We’re in this together, and I am for you. I secure road signs with a hammer of hope, and clear the debris so they can be seen.

Call me your spiritual aunty, the one who you can trust with the hard conversations. I am your encourager. I walk and keep walking. Cheer and keep cheering. I invest, dive deep, and cherish the stories being written in the lives of women like you who long to believe restoration is a reality on earth as it is in heaven. God holds the pen in those stories, and He delights in you. 


You’ll love One Woman Can Change the World: Reclaiming Your God-Designed Influence and Impact Right Where You Are. It’s available wherever books are sold.

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