written by Ronne Rock

I Came Alive by Way of Dying.

“There are those who say that our story doesn’t really come alive until we share it with someone else – until the spark in our eyes lights a fire...

The False Positive.

It’s quiet right now. So very quiet. No music plays. No television shows echo in the background. There is no scrolling Twitter feed in front of me, and no...

A Team, A Clan, A Tribe.

I sit, staring at the faces on my computer screen. There are 400 of them, to be exact. I know just a handful of them personally, and have met...

Long-Distance Love : Very Cherry Pie

Have you ever met someone who made you feel at home – even though you were miles and miles apart? That’s my new friend Becky. We are kindred spirits...

32 Tips from a Woman over 50

A while back, I shared 30 things a woman turning 30 could learn from a woman over 50. It was a birthday gift to my friend, Sarah (who lives...

I Will Be That Person.

“How I forgot to be who God had planned for me to be – and my struggle back to reality.” The words are written at the beginning of a...

Firecracker Salmon & Fresh Fig Salad

I’ve been inspired lately. I don’t know  – maybe it’s my newfound love of things made with grapefruit (the seriously underappreciated citrus fruit), or maybe it’s because we’ve been...

Turning Left.

From the car, I could see it. The Strand. A tourist destination on the Gulf of Mexico – cluttered with hotels and bars and people longing to find a...

Doodling Dreams with Strangers.

I love dreaming. I really love dreaming those “holy wow – really?” dreams that feel a whole lot more like incredible imagination and a whole lot less like a...

It’s Not About the Starting.

I got the email on Monday. And I’m now part of the Start Experiment. To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure exactly what that means. Some people in the...

Something is Missing

We gathered in a church classroom at the Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit – a group of strangers joined at the heart with a passion for orphan care and...
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