
I am a hunter, and I am a gatherer – a warrior and a princess. There is something about seeking and finding and treasuring that has value beyond measure. Scattered throughout my life are vignettes born of adventure and quiet, of both the active and passive parts of my heart. There are beautiful baskets filled with warm sunshine dripping on sweet smelling grass with the melody of a child’s laughter in the air, and ravaged, bloodied battlefields filled with bowed heads and haunting songs of justice. Every vignette is steeped in eternity, drenched in divinity – pages in the ultimate story God is writing in me.

And now, there is a new treasure to be added. A word. Seven letters that emerged as I hunted for truth and gathered inspiration while the calendar turned its page to 13.


It seems a fitting word for a warrior and a princess. It begins its journey with purposeful determination. It is bold, holding its sword high as it presses on with resolve. It ends its journey in cheerful submission. It is gentle, humbly bowing in grateful repose.

A mighty “YES.” A gentle “yes.”


So I now wait to see the vignettes to be born in 2013 under the banner of “willing.” I am ready to hunt and to gather with the word embossed on my heart. Let the adventure and the quiet have their work in me as God writes. May I not miss the mighty and the gentle.

“For God is working in you, helping you be willing and giving you the willpower to do what pleases Him.” ~Phil. 2


This is the first-ever OneWord365 “word of the year” for me (which seems strange, given my love of words). Do you have a theme word?