Rewind now to before the beginning, before life and birth and striving and falling and paradise and that Voice speaking "it is good." Before anything began, the conversation included...
My friend Wycliffe wrote, "Proverbs 14:1. That was our sermon today." And so I journeyed there - to the scriptures, to meditate and see what God might have for...
After spending time with single moms in a remote town in Honduras - all hard-working women who taught their children to be honorable and never ashamed of their condition,...
Yes, I'm back.
It's a quiet return to this place, with a story about my #oneword365. I believe with all my heart that the words inspired by 1 Chronicles...
...those stories will be shared soon. But first, this. A diversion, if you will. Because of all the things I was expecting to feel in Spain, this was not...
Pedigrees and positions and providence are rubbish compared to the nakedness of true divine worth.
(Day 23 of "Oh Hey God, It's Me" - 31 days of simple honest prayers)....
“It’s a prayer of exactly seven syllables, the number that corresponds perfectly to the rhythm of our breathing."
It's Sunday, and I'm savoring the prayers of others today - and...