Hello there. Whether you have come here with intention or by happenstance, welcome. There is always a place for you here. I believe with my whole heart that we...
There are miracles we don’t likely notice. Things like the power of touch, the tenderness of time, the healing found in connection, the beauty of kindness. I remember as...
I’ve shared stories in the life of a writer here now for almost two years. This time, every story links arms with the stories of One Woman Can Change...
She said, “Show them you as you are – behind the words and the images.”
The “she” is my friend, Migdalia. We’ve been together since the early ‘80s, and we’ve...
"I was taught as a child that life was a rather straight-lined, nose-to-the-grindstone series of battles followed by blessing. But childhood fables of “strive hard and strive long to...
For a girl who loves words that are woven into well-crafted storylines, this season has been a challenging one. I’ve written a lot of things for others, but have...
At the beginning of the year, I wore a necklace with a coin and a wing, and began using the hashtag #mysoaringyear on stories shared on Instagram. More than...
Day 52: Cliciova, Romania Daniel stumbled into the courtyard of the humble farmhouse in the forgotten Romanian village, and plopped down at the table; he had been to this...