tagged: jesus christ

Shoot like a Girl | John 3:16

Day 48: Behind the scenes. They’ve been there for months, the splintered cedar blocks that warm the back of the stage at church. I remember the day the trees...

Here & There. Words for This Day.

  In the dark night’s stillness Love came down God robed Himself in humanity And the world held its breath awaiting the cry of an infant son. Hands raised...

praying for peace.

A friend once shared her dilemma with me. She had a beautiful backyard – a sanctuary really. Flowers bloomed everywhere, and the canopy of the trees offered welcome shelter...

indiscriminate acts of kindness.

13 people from 7 states join 4 people from Guatemala on a single journey. And God shines. I am so very thankful for the little family He crafted in...