tagged: joy

An Unexpected Joy (An Unexpected Advent)

Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment. Psalm 16:11 Get to...

Joy (Advent)

A tiny bird named Benjamin Tit is sharing the secret of joy today - a tiny bird made from a tree that smells like roses when it's being cut...

Hope. Love. Joy. Peace. And Christmas.

As I write this little letter, Brad is stoking the fire in the living room. He’s got a pot of chili cooking, which heralds cold weather and something that...

The Beauty of Expectancy.

In the days in-between the glorious moments of beautiful birth and humble offering, the days before what had been promised and prophesied was revealed to all – the world...

Life is Carved in Ruts.

I sit beside them at the handmade table, tucked away in the only shady spot in the courtyard that connects the small home, workshop and barn. The steamy afternoon air...