So, I’ve fed my feelings. Now I’m feeding my friend Susie’s. Her youngest daughter is off to college tomorrow. I remember exactly what that felt like – I was a blubbering mess as I drove home after helping my son Ian get his dorm all spruced up at Texas A&M. It was one of the best worst days ever. There was a LOT of kitchen therapy after that day. Come to think of it, the kitchen therapy hasn’t ever stopped…hmmm.

Well, Susie asked for something special. And these sweet gooey cupcakes are special. Truly special. Like “never-been-done-ever-before” special. At least, that’s what my little chef friend Eli (who helped me in the kitchen) and I believe. I think the good Lord intended every day to have a little special in it. Enjoy the recipe at and share a little special today.