tagged: Orphan Outreach

The Writing Life – Like Diamonds.

“Wow, that photo. It’s beautiful – it looks like diamonds.” A filmmaker friend said that as he glanced through the images on my phone. There were so many stories...

We are All Shattered Pieces.

The more I walk this road, the more I see our fragility. Yes, we are all shattered pieces, we are all shards. We have within us a million small...

Arrebato. Repossess.

The youngest, just 13, watches her four-month old son as he sleeps. She was a slave when they found her, when they rescued her and brought her to this...

Joy Story

What she witnessed fueled a fire in Joy's heart - a fire that would change her life forever. "My friend and I talked often about how we wanted to...

Eleven Cinder Blocks

Today is the day of the new miracle, of yet another answered prayer - but she didn't know it would be us who would walk past the scorched fields...

Shoot like a Girl | Feed

He walks along the busy streets of Guatemala City. He has ten siblings, and the family struggles. He was excited to go to school this week - it was...

Shoot like a Girl | We Walk

Day 53: Bungoma, Kenya. I ran in Kenya. With Kenyans. It was a fundraiser for water cisterns to be placed at the Madeleine School – a first for the...

Being Chosen. (#1000Speak)

It was the third day at the Ravine School in Chimaltenango, and the air outside still hung heavy with the ashen remnants of Fuego’s volcanic fury. The dust mixed...

Shoot like a Girl | Scraps

Day 44: Behind the cinder block walls. Sometimes the most beautiful things are those we take most for granted. Sprigs of grass growing through cracked cement. A misplaced puddle...

Shoot like a Girl | Fly (#31days)

Day 25: Bungoma County, Kenya. They sat on the sofa, looking cautiously at the cameras ready to take in every spoken word and subtle nuance of their story. He...

Shoot like a Girl | Hope (#31days)

Day 16: Nairobi, Kenya We walked through the dusty streets of the slum, the trash dancing to find a home beneath our feet. There was a lonely ache that...
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