tagged: rest

The Work of Rest (the year of gathering)

Look at us. We did it. Despite misgivings and any number of wonderings, we have entered into the second half of 2021. You might be scouring through school supply...

the writing life – rest

In Guatemala, the hillsides are sewn together in patchwork beauty. Even precariously perched gardens yield their bounty year after year. The fruit of the vines travels to souls who...

Bloom. Rest. Burn.

"I was taught as a child that life was a rather straight-lined, nose-to-the-grindstone series of battles followed by blessing. But childhood fables of “strive hard and strive long to...

Your Song is Playing. (Psalm 45)

"The world is weighty with suffering, and the shadows push hard into every corner. Strength is so easily melted like candle wax in this present time, even for the...

Shoot like a Girl | Permission

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. ~Psalm 62:5 Day 49: Eastside “I can tell by your body. You’ve been upright too...