
The sun is shining brightly, and yet I feel like the dawn has not yet broken on the day. The world is weighty with suffering, and the shadows push hard into every corner. Strength is so easily melted like candle wax in this present time, even for the most resilient of souls. I need a mountain right now, a fresh-air place to sit and breathe, a place for holy wind to find my lungs. Vision becomes clear on the mountain and light breaks there first to bring hope. I turn to Psalm 45 and whisper, “please light, shine – push back darkness and strengthen hearts and hands to bear the burden.” And what I see on the page becomes a love note to the One who is worthy of all the words.

I pray the words lift you.

If I could pen a love song, it would be to You. You, my King, are worthy of all the melodies and harmonies. I hear them now, and they all sing their adoration to You.

I stare into Your beauty and hear the grace You speak, the blessings You share that have been shared with You. Strength runs like rivers through You, and fear melts away in Your presence. Enemies flee, the weak are given strength and the weary are given hope. You hold up a sword and slice through the darkness, revealing radiance. And from your cloak, you hold out refreshment and joy like oil to pour over me. The perfume fills every space like the angel’s share, and a crown adorns my head.

I am Yours, King. I am Yours.


And Your song is now playing, the one You wrote for me. The one of great delight and love. The one that says You find me beautiful. The one that says You call me royalty. The one that says You call me Yours.

The one that says this is Your kingdom. And You will forever reign. (love note inspired by Psalm 45) 

This is my prayer today. I share it with you – take it and shape it with your own precious clasped hands. We will carry our prayers to the mountain, and we will gain strength to bear the burdens.
Today, sweet Jesus, I will climb for just a while and rest on peaks that overlook all that awaits when I descend. I will allow the silence to remind me that it’s not silent at all – rather, the expanse is filled with the sound of wonder, filled with the hum of creation singing its adoration to the Creator that spoke and saw good come of it. I will be reminded that the same good will come of image and likeness that quakes in frailty and screams out its pain. Holy wind will find lungs in the valley. Poor and powerless will find strength. Days of despair will find delight. You will be there on the mountain with me, and You will be there when I descend. You will let me hear the sound of adoration in the starkness of desolation. You will see good come again. And You will let me see it too. 
(Images from Aizawl, Mizoram, India)
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About Ronne Rock

Helping you hold on to what is true and trustworthy.

We’re in this together, and I am for you. I secure road signs with a hammer of hope, and clear the debris so they can be seen.

Call me your spiritual aunty, the one who you can trust with the hard conversations. I am your encourager. I walk and keep walking. Cheer and keep cheering. I invest, dive deep, and cherish the stories being written in the lives of women like you who long to believe restoration is a reality on earth as it is in heaven. God holds the pen in those stories, and He delights in you. 


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