I’ll admit it, my eyes do gleam a little when I talk about food. And yes, I do read cookbooks like romance novels. I have done Snoopy dances after receiving chef knives or a groovy new whisk, and have shed a happy tear or two over a well-stocked spice rack.

But to be perfectly honest, kitchen therapy is not about the food at all.

It’s about what that food represents. And oh, it represents so much. It’s life – but more than just physical life. Food opens a door to conversation, opens heart-spaces that can bring breath to a soul. It’s nourishment through and through.  It’s refreshment for a weary traveler and it’s a welcome home to a stranger.

Or to a new member of the family.


Yesterday, kitchen therapy was found in an afternoon snack just for you. No recipe was needed – just a box of crackers, some peanut butter and honey, and a little almond milk lovingly served up by Uncle JimBo while I took pictures for your welcome book. Wow, I really love that word: welcome. I know – we’re not sure exactly how old you’ll be just yet. But we’re thinking peanut butter and crackers have a pretty universal appeal.  When you get here, you can change it up if you’d like. There are a lot of perfect afternoon snacks to be had.

For just a minute, I closed my eyes and imagined you yelling, “mom, I’m home!” as the front door slammed and your backpack dropped to the floor, spilling homework that’s due the next morning. The snack would be ready, along with a huge hug from your mom and talk about what was good and what was hard and what could be learned from a day of being the new kid at a new school in a new neighborhood.  Your mom’s been there before. Your dad understands too. And your Uncle Brad and I remember when our son was that kid. There will be so many more days with so much more good and hard and things to learn. And so many good talks and hugs.


Did you know you have a whole lot of family ready to welcome you home?  There’s your precious mom and dad, some pretty awesome grandparents (including a granddad who can build just about anything), uncles and aunts, and even a pup. And then there is all the bonus family  – a whole bunch of folks adopted in who will get to be your aunties and uncles and cousins. God has been good to knit us all together with His great love.

Your parents have been praying for you for so long now, and are ready to live life with you. You can be in preschool or high school – they don’t mind at all. And if you decide to bring a brother or sister with you, it’s OK too. There’s plenty of room and plenty of love. You’ll always feel safe. Because that’s what love does – it wraps its arms around you and lets you know you’re not alone anymore.

Hurry to your welcome home, sweet one. Your afternoon snack is ready.

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About Ronne Rock

Helping you hold on to what is true and trustworthy.

We’re in this together, and I am for you. I secure road signs with a hammer of hope, and clear the debris so they can be seen.

Call me your spiritual aunty, the one who you can trust with the hard conversations. I am your encourager. I walk and keep walking. Cheer and keep cheering. I invest, dive deep, and cherish the stories being written in the lives of women like you who long to believe restoration is a reality on earth as it is in heaven. God holds the pen in those stories, and He delights in you. 


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