God is my Shepherd
And I am his little lamb.
He feeds me.
He guides me.
He looks after me.
I have everything I need.
Inside my heart is very quiet.
As quiet as lying still in soft green grass.
In a meadow.
By a little stream.
Even when I walk through
the dark, scary, lonely places
I won’t be afraid.
Because my Shepherd knows where I am.
He is here with me.
He keeps me safe.
He rescues me.
He makes me strong
and brave.
He is getting wonderful things ready for me
Especially for me
Everything I ever dreamed of.
He fills my heart so full of happiness.
I can’t hold it all inside.
Wherever I go I know
God’s Never Stopping
Never Giving Up
Always and Forever Love
Will go, too! ~23rd Psalm, The Jesus Storybook Bible

It’s Sunday, and I’m savoring the prayers of others today – and sharing them with you each week. I encourage you to whisper them, shout them, share them. Know that I’m praying for you today, and if you need anything, send a note my way!
Last year, I shared the stories about pictures I’ve taken. This year during the month of October, I’m opening up my journal and sharing prayers. They’re not eloquent or poetic – they’re simple honest talks with God. Some prayers are joyful and some are screams. Some are said in the morning and some at night. It’s my hope the words might help someone else find the words.