Every time we see each other, she and I laugh. Our lives may look strikingly different, but we are alike in so many ways. We are independent and a little sassy. There have been giants in our lives, felled with weapons that amaze even us. There is a drive in us to repair things and build things and fix things. And we wonder if we’ve truly got what it takes to make a difference. Maybe you feel that way too.

Today, 2 Samuel 7 was the place where Jesus and coffee met me. David worried that God had no fine place to dwell, that others had beautifully appointed homes and yet God – the Lord God All-Mighty – looked like a homeless vagabond. The tent was set up and the people worshipped, and then the tent was packed up and the people moved. David wanted a palace befitting a king for the Lord.

He believed a king should have a kingdom. He believed there should be a happily ever after for the story – because all stories deserved one.

But the Lord knew far more of the story than David ever would. “You believe a palace should be My dwelling place, and that indeed is a beautiful thought. But listen now, My love. When you were a shepherd with eyes of wonder, I was there. When people rolled their eyes at your future, I was there. When the only gift you had to offer was a song you had learned from someone else, I was there. When you faced giants and all labeled you dead, I was there. When enemies were toppled with trinkets in your pocket, I was there. When you received the crown, I was there. When you became a prince, I was there. I am here now. And I will be here as every day is made complete, as every step is taken, as suns rise and set, as evil contends with good, as you continue to serve. I was and am and will always be right here – a God who moves, a God who walks, a God who bends, a God who is as at home in desert as He is in gardens. You cannot see it yet, but soon you will. I do have a Kingdom that will never crumble or fade or fall. There is a throne. And there is a King who is King over all kings. Rest, David, knowing I have found my dwelling place. It’s your dwelling place too.

“It’s right here. With you. God with you.”

Nothing has changed. He is still the God with us as we wonder if any gifts we have to offer are worthy, He is still the God with us as we wonder if we’ll ever be strong enough or mighty enough or equipped enough. He is still the God with you, with me, with us. There is still a throne. There is still a Kingdom. And He is still God. Right here.

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About Ronne Rock

Helping you hold on to what is true and trustworthy.

We’re in this together, and I am for you. I secure road signs with a hammer of hope, and clear the debris so they can be seen.

Call me your spiritual aunty, the one who you can trust with the hard conversations. I am your encourager. I walk and keep walking. Cheer and keep cheering. I invest, dive deep, and cherish the stories being written in the lives of women like you who long to believe restoration is a reality on earth as it is in heaven. God holds the pen in those stories, and He delights in you. 


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