written by Ronne Rock

johnny coco and the rockstar life.

It is in Him that we live and move and keep on living. Acts 17:28 (new life)   I love this guy. He flew across the ocean last summer...

Peanut Butter Miracles

If there was a contest for bravest mom, I think mine would win. And while the list would include things like “left home and traveled halfway across the country...

smiles and waves and nods.

  It happens every time I travel to an unfamiliar place.  Sitting in a van or a car or a bus, I find myself staring out the window –...

Grandma’s Broken Glass Cake

His name was Robert. I don’t remember his last name, but he had a nice smile and a willingness to just sit and talk about life between classes our...

we want to see.

It’s easy to get caught up in trying to figure out if needs are real. I see a homeless woman begging on the street corner and question her motives....


    More often than not, Jesus comes to us incognito. ~Ian Cron I still remember it. The first trip. The first day. The first orphanage. The first face....

Ginger Chicken Salad (Love:Food)

“Mom, there are lunch box kids. And there are none lunch box kids. I want to be a lunch box kid.” At the age of 4, my son Ian...

what home looks like

There are days when I’m simply homesick. It’s a homesick that isn’t really about a specific physical destination at all – but about a place where I feel most...

everyday new.

For if a man is in Christ he becomes a new person altogether—the past is finished and gone, everything has become fresh and new. ~2 Corinthians 5:17   …See!...

we are all the same.

We sat quietly as the dawn began to break, the landscape around us shifting from grayscale to color. Jim was reviewing the images he had captured while I organized...
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