written by Ronne Rock

Dirty Feet and Holy Ground.

There’s dirt on my feet – and I’m not sure I’m ready to wash it off. Today, I believe I stood on holy ground. If you were to ask...

Nicoleta’s Smile.

It’s the smile that first captivated me. It’s ever-present. And it’s powerful to melt hearts. Nicoleta snuggled into my lap as we listened to the story of Stephen at...

Who I am. Today.

Today, I have a date. There won’t be flowers or wine or fancy food. The picnic basket will be filled with sodas, chips, water – and sweet potatoes and...

A Life Changed.

This morning, I ran. I should say, I attempted to run. And then I received the link to this video. I ended up standing in the middle of the...

Little is Much – Eleana

I’m sitting on the balcony of our home in Austin, listening to the birds happily sing their symphony to sunshine and spring. The breeze is strong and the air...

More than Labels.

Double-orphan. Gary Schneider, founder of Every Orphan’s Hope, used the term at IdeaCamp: Orphan Care in talking about programs to care for kids with HIV/AIDS in Africa. Though I...

Defining Discarded.

It’s been a week since I returned from my journey to Romania. I’ve drunk countless cups of caffeine at planning meetings about a worship conference in Russia and weekend...

Iosif (Joseph)

An impromptu sermon in the hotel hallway. Iosif (Joseph) has the rugged look of an athlete, and a deep voice that is easily recognized in each worship service and...

Common Place.

“You are the highway I travel, because I watched You carve streets out of sand and gravel. I gave you brokenness – You gave me innocence, and now this...

I’m Not Writing. Or Am I?

I’ve been beating myself up lately. Don’t get me wrong. Life has been good. Actually, it’s been better than good. It’s been fairly close to beautiful. I am doing...

Fairy-dust or Dirt.

“The notion that only good things happen to faithful people was put to rest on a Friday afternoon at Calvary.” ~William Willimon I’ve been pondering faith today. Not the...

Choices & the Value of Human Life

It’s such a peaceful afternoon, and the solitude is something I’ve been craving for weeks. I have pages of notes of thoughts and stories, and had every intention of...
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