tagged: confession

(sabbath) Off-Guard. #write31days

"Lord, catch me off-guard today." It's Sunday, and I'm savoring the prayers of others today - and sharing my favorites with you each week. I encourage you to whisper them,...

(sabbath) Inhale. Exhale. #write31days

“It’s a prayer of exactly seven syllables, the number that corresponds perfectly to the rhythm of our breathing." It's Sunday, and I'm savoring the prayers of others today - and...

You’re a Disappointment. #write31days

Maybe it will always be like this, with life selling You as an irregular or obsolete model or missing pieces. Maybe there will always be days I simply want...

Keep Me Vulnerable. #write31days

“We cannot have a meal together in peace with guns hanging over our shoulders and pistols attached to our belts. When we break bread together we leave our arms...