tagged: jesus

Shoot Like a Girl | As You Are

She said, “Show them you as you are – behind the words and the images.” The “she” is my friend, Migdalia. We’ve been together since the early ‘80s, and we’ve...

Let it Go. Let it Out. Let It All Unravel.

“We love words, right GiGi?” I smile, and say, “Yes, Sawyer. We are words people.” I pray he always loves words. I pray he understands their power to work...

It was Not an Uncommon Friday.

It was not an uncommon Friday. Crucifixion was the normal punishment of the time. It was cruel, humiliating, and served as a visible warning to all who witnessed the...

Holy Week. 10 Easter Stories.

It’s holy week. And I’m undone in a most precious way. Not precious like the face of a smiling child, but precious like diamonds chipped from coal or goal...

Above All, Remember This: God Redeems Time.

“God redeems time.” I’ve said those three words hundreds of times in conversations, written them in notes, spoken them from stages in all sorts of places. I even use them...

Holy Listening, and Hearing God.

I want to be a holy listener - to hear God reveal purpose in every moment and to welcome Him in every conversation, to embrace both the times when...

A Most Pervasive Jesus and the Thin Places

Scottish lore is that there is only three feet separating heaven and earth – but there are places we find where the distance is even closer. “Thin places,” they...

Bloom. Rest. Burn.

"I was taught as a child that life was a rather straight-lined, nose-to-the-grindstone series of battles followed by blessing. But childhood fables of “strive hard and strive long to...
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