from Journey

What Does it Mean to Shine?

What does it mean to shine? For years, I thought it meant being the flame that burned the hottest and brightest. Now, I see things differently. And it's all...

India is in My Hair.

It's Tuesday morning where I'm at right now, and the fragrance of India is in my hair. Though I wash it daily with scents of flowers and vanilla, the...

We are All Shattered Pieces.

The more I walk this road, the more I see our fragility. Yes, we are all shattered pieces, we are all shards. We have within us a million small...

What Do We Say to a Kid in Kenya?

My friend Mindy and I finished teaching the kids at a school in a remote Kenyan village, and then asked, "Do you have any questions you'd like to ask...

Light (Christmas)

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. (Helen Keller) What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live...

Joy (Advent)

A tiny bird named Benjamin Tit is sharing the secret of joy today - a tiny bird made from a tree that smells like roses when it's being cut...

When I Want to Know it All

Eight years ago, I received news that I was not going to Honduras because of a political crisis in that country. I was heartbroken, angry, ready for God to...

Where are the Men?

“The women come, and the women do all the work,” she said with voice trembling. “Please help us. Please tell us where the men are when it comes to...

Behind the Iron Gates. Monja Blanca.

There would be little time for names or stories that day. But there would be faces of the little ones with shaved heads and hollow eyes. There would be...

Arrebato. Repossess.

The youngest, just 13, watches her four-month old son as he sleeps. She was a slave when they found her, when they rescued her and brought her to this...

A Fine Day for You to be God

My hands felt so empty. I wanted to snatch her from the slum and be her safekeeping, to build a big house and take away all longing, to make...
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