For a girl who loves words that are woven into well-crafted storylines, this season has been a challenging one. I’ve written a lot of things for others, but have...
At the beginning of the year, I wore a necklace with a coin and a wing, and began using the hashtag #mysoaringyear on stories shared on Instagram. More than...
Why am I sharing this moment with you? Because I believe you've been there before. And I believe you'll be there again, if you are a dreamer. And so...
This season of my life is a good season that I don’t take for granted. I advocate for the vulnerable in this world and help folks with branding and continue...
“alright, flowers. here’s your part, and trust me, it is a glorious part. you will adorn the heads of royals. you will grace tables of the mighty. and the...
I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don’t intend to waste any of mine. ~Neil Armstrong Quite a while back, I wrote about death– how...
There are moments when life seems to flow from the pen in beautiful poetry and prose, and there are times when it feels more like an unfinished sentence –...