Prayer is taking a chance that against all odds and past history, we are loved and chosen, and do not have to get it together before we show up.” ~Anne Lamott
I’ve been keeping a journal for eight years, and this month I’m sharing prayers from the pages of it. As I write, I am reminded that the themes of prayer remain constant, even if the subjects change. Anne Lamott says prayer can be summed up in three words. Help. Thanks. Wow. Today I’m finding all three in my heart. I’m praying there are words in my prayers that will spark new prayers for you.
The seven syllable prayer you need daily.
The number corresponds perfectly to the rhythm of our breathing.
When you need to remember that you too have a purpose.
There is always the “you’ll be sorry you missed this…” bubble-gum chorus singing loudly on social media and in letters from unaware friends, with a debilitating dose of “you’ll never quite get there from where you are…” added in.
When you long to see flesh and blood grace come alive.
Pedigrees and positions and providence are rubbish compared to the nakedness of true divine worth.
Saturdays are for gathering up the words of the week and putting them in basket for you. This week has found me visiting my own home for only 30 hours – I’m now in a small town in Honduras working at an orphanage run by a modern Mother Teresa. There have been so many prayers that can’t find their way to paper. And I have been praying for you this week. There is hope, always hope, fierce hope. If you need me, I’m here. I promise.
Last year, I shared the stories about pictures I’ve taken. This year during the month of October, I’m opening up my journal and sharing prayers. They’re not eloquent or poetic – they’re simple honest talks with God. Some prayers are joyful and some are screams. Some are said in the morning and some at night. It’s my hope the words might help someone else find the words.