tagged: adoption

And All the While…

We mean so well, we really do. We want more than anything for every child to feel known and valued and love. And there are moments we get it...

Shoot like a Girl | Prayer (#31days)

Day 24: St Petersburg, Russia. I met her in 2007 at Orphanage 2. People said it was the best place for the discarded to live, because the director there...

Shoot like a Girl | Expectant (#31days)

Day 23: Austin, Texas. We decorated the guest bedroom and fluffed the pillows on the sofa. And then we pondered what it a good after-school snack might be. I...

Captain Amy & the Golden Eggs

What is it about the name Amy? I honestly don’t think I know a bad one. I’ve traveled to the other side of the world to serve the discarded...

Something is Missing

We gathered in a church classroom at the Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit – a group of strangers joined at the heart with a passion for orphan care and...

A Welcome Home.

I’ll admit it, my eyes do gleam a little when I talk about food. And yes, I do read cookbooks like romance novels. I have done Snoopy dances after...

More than Labels.

Double-orphan. Gary Schneider, founder of Every Orphan’s Hope, used the term at IdeaCamp: Orphan Care in talking about programs to care for kids with HIV/AIDS in Africa. Though I...