I lie here in the quiet, the fragrance of the outcasts still lingering on my skin. Dust and city and cigarettes mingled with warm vanilla and freesia, shared by...
The darkness has always felt near. But it had never felt so close, so palpable. And that morning, we longed for weaponry and super-hero powers to scale walls and...
“alright, flowers. here’s your part, and trust me, it is a glorious part. you will adorn the heads of royals. you will grace tables of the mighty. and the...
You stand so resolute in the dust and the smoke, your weary eyes watching every small movement of the trucks filled with refuse. They back to the edge of...
“And they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” ~Acts 4:13 A Christian should be a striking likeness of Jesus Christ. You have read lives of...
I sit in the airport terminal, watching the parade of people pass. I could stay here for hours, listening to the boarding calls and global languages. Certain things transcend...
I’m on a plane now, returning from a week in Jamaica. Those who don’t know me well have sent well-wishes for a wonderful vacation, but my feet never touched...