about Care for the Discarded

Love Looks Like.

 But the kind of love that God created and demonstrated is a costly one because it involves sacrifice and presence. It’s a love that operates more like a sign...

Frail. Wispy. Smoke.

The fields are on fire. In places like Guatemala and Uganda, the white plumes rise like tufts of air-spun cotton across the countryside as the farmers burn to prepare...

The Power of Pie and Cobbler

There are some things that deserve to be repeated, over and over again, like a most favorite song. For me, one of those things has become Buttermilk Pie. Now,...

Want to Fly.

The spirit of every human is like a kite which rises by means of those very forces which seem to oppose its rise; the tie that joins it to...

See the More.

A broken soul is not the absence of beauty, but a cracked and torn soul reeks of the sweet incense it contains. ~C. JoyBell C.   The ravine sits...

This is Edgar.

His name is Edgar. He is our bus driver, charged with the daunting task of getting 23 people from here to there on a daily basis. Though we’ve only...

Hey Andrey, I’m sorry.

I first met you in 2007. The room at Orphanage #2 was crowded and stuffy, and there were new shoes everywhere. You waited patiently as each child was seated...

Christmas. Stories.

love came down from heaven. love still dwells among us. love has a name. emmanuel. Happy Christmas. Howdy, and welcome to the place I store all manner of thoughts...

Lights and Baskets and Broken Things.

I snuggle under the warm quilt as the day breaks outside, and my mind drifts in a sleepy, still jetlagged fog to another world. The cold outside and Christmas...

Olga, the Transformer

Five years ago, the last Leningrad region orphanage was opened in the town of Kalozhitsy.  The selected building was dilapidated, but that didn’t stop the government from asking a...

Anatoly, the Protector

When I first began blogging about my journeys with the discarded, the posts read like diary entries. With rare exception, the words had a similar flow to them –...

Irina, the Promise Keeper

A four-hour journey over snow-packed roads leads to the village of Tikhvin in the Leningrad region of Russia. It’s a lovely place, with a nice shopping district and lots...
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