about The Writing Life

When Jesus Steps in to Dreams

I’ve shared this story with but a few people, and in a moment of bravery published it in a now defunct digital magazine a few years back. The story...

I Will Not Curse You.

“Sometime around early November, it begins,” I told Kellye as we gathered for a virtual cup of coffee. “I stare down the remainder of the year as an obstacle...

Twelve More Stories in the Life of a Writer

Motivation and mantras. Rejection and rewrites. Ideas and confession—and a personal addiction. Here are twelve more stories in the life of this writer, including the one about the best...

The Writing Life – Change the World.

My husband smiled as I snapped the picture of the bookstore that shines its light in our local airport. It’s not the first time I’ve taken a photo of...

The Writing Life – The Best Things.

I can still hear Zela’s voice. “You are a writer, Aunty Ronne? I love stories—what stories do you write? Will you read me a story?” Even now, to be...

The Writing Life – I Have an Addiction.

I HAVE AN ADDICTION. I think about the origin of the thoughts whispered so subtly into our hungry-for-something-more ears. Back, before a woman and a man and paradise and...

The Writing Life – Like Diamonds.

“Wow, that photo. It’s beautiful – it looks like diamonds.” A filmmaker friend said that as he glanced through the images on my phone. There were so many stories...

The Writing Life – A Better Story.

I remember all the plans I made to share my book idea with the world around me. I wrapped my bold dreams in brightly colored ribbon and carried them...

The Writing Life – We are Words People.

“We love words, right GiGi?” I smile, and say, “Yes, Sawyer. We are words people.” Sawyer is my grandson, and his presence makes my heart melt. From the time...

The Writing Life – The Ideas Swirling.

I have a friend who says “list me” in an attempt to smooth thought-tangles into straight lines. I’m not sure it truly works, but it does give permission for...
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